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. Le-tableau-d, évaluation présente en ligne chaque annotation du texte. Pour chacune d'entre elles, il vous faut évaluer trois critères : Annexe 10

<. <dependency-name=-"-subj-"->-<parameter-ind=>, <. Dependency>-<dependency-name=-"-vmod-"->-<feature-attribute=>, <. Dependency>-<dependency-name=>, <. , <. Dependency>-<dependency-name=> et al., 1" num="10" word=POSIT1" value="+"/> <PARAMETER ind="0" num="4" word="maintient"/> <PARAMETER ind="1" num="20" word=VMOD"> <FEATURE attribute="POSIT1" value=0" num="4" word="maintient"/> <PARAMETER ind="1" num="16" word=VMOD"> <FEATURE attribute="POSIT2" value="+"/> <PARAMETER ind="0" num="4" word="maintient"/> <PARAMETER ind="1" num="24" word=COORDITEMS"> <PARAMETER ind="0" num="24" word=

<. , D. <dependency, and <. Dependency>-<dependency-name=-"-determ-"->, PREPOBJ"> <PARAMETER ind="0" num="16" word="pays"/> <PARAMETER ind="1" num="12" word=

<. and D. <dependency-name=-"-determ-"->, DEF" value="+"/> <PARAMETER ind="0" num="16" word="pays"/> <PARAMETER ind="1" num="14" word=

<. and D. <dependency-name=-"-determ-"->, DEF" value=

<. , D. <dependency-name=-"-lieu-"->-<feature-attribute=>, <. , and <. Dependency>-<dependency-name=-"-lieu-"->, PAYS" value=0" num="2" word=

­. Un-sous­domaine-du and T. , 14 2.2.2 ­ Les campagnes d'évaluation, .18 2.2.4 ­ GATE : General Architecture for Text Engineering

.. Traitement-de-l-'anglais, 47 ­ Installation des plugins GATE nécessaires, ., p.49