I. Sheets, Cells(y, x).Interior.ColorIndex = 36 Then

E. If and I. Sheets, Cells(y, x).Interior.ColorIndex = 35 Then

E. If and I. Sheets, Cells(y, x).Interior.ColorIndex = 38 Then

I. Sheets, Cells(y, x).Interior.ColorIndex = 35 Then

E. If and I. Sheets, Cells(y, x).Interior.ColorIndex = 38 Then

. Sheets, Range("D" & 3 + 4 * i)

. Sheets, Range("D" & 4 + 4 * i)

. Sheets, Range("D" & 5 + 4 * i).Value = NC3

N. If, Range("F" & 3 + 4 * i)Value = e1 SheetsRange("F" & 4 + 4 * i)Value = e2 SheetsRange, pp.3-9