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>. Test-de-normalité and >. Shapiro, test(resbis) Shapiro-Wilk normality test data: resbis W = 0, pp.0-8745

N. Na and N. Na, segment:phase) (segment:phase) (segment:phase)segment:phase) (segment:phase) (segment:phase, Coefficients: (25 not defined because of singularities) Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 53.3918 0.4229 126.238 <2e-16 *** segment 170)]1 1.7058 2.8969 0.589 0.5576 volontaire[-c(78, 169, 170)]2 -0.8027 2.8969 -0.277 0.7824 volontaire[-c(78, 169, 170)]3 1.7983 2.8969 0.621 0.5365 volontaire13 NA NA NA Residual standard error: 4.756 on 170 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.2053, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1538 F-statistic: 3.992 on 11 and 170 DF, pp.17010-170, 32722.

D. Sum-sq-mean, F. Sq, and . Pr, >F) phase > liste $Instants, pp.61-65

+. }->save, liste,exp,ins,RR,temps,file="donneesMarion

>. For, 17){ + lines(temps

>. Coul=rainbow, > plot(tps[1,],RR[1,],type='l', + main=Evolution de la distance RR au cours des 17 apnées inspiratoires après normalisation, p.40

>. For, 17){ + lines(tps

+. and #. ###, Classification Ascendante Hiérarchique # Centrage et réduction des données > centrage=scale(RR, center=T, scale=T)

>. For, 1:17){ coefDE[i]=coef_dir(a=D[i,1], b=D[i,2], c=E[i,1], d=E[i,2])} > mean(coefDE)