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E. Kant, Critique de la raison pureD tr—duit p—r Tremesaygues et Pacaud @€—risD u—drigeD ‘IWRR“AF

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J. Ladyman, R. Rprf, D. Ross, P. Every-thing-must-go-@yxfordd-yxford-…niversity-€ressd, D. J. Lallement et al., D Recueil de lettres entre Leibniz et Clarke sur Dieu, l'âme, l'espace, la durée, etc.D pu˜lié p—r Janet, P. @€—risD el™—nD ‘IWHH“AF Lewis, D.K.D Parts of Classes @vondresD fl—™kwellD IWWIAF Locke, J.D An Essay Concerning Human Understanding @‘ITWH“AD …‚vX http, 10615.

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E. J. Lowe and . The, Identity, Time) @yxfordD yxE ford …niversity €ressD IWWVAF A Survey of Metaphysics @yxfordD yxford …niversity €ressD PHHPAF The Four-Category Ontology : a Metaphysical Foundation for Natural Science @yxfordD gl—rendon €ressD PHHT—AF Metaphysics as the Science of Essence @PHHT˜AD …‚vX http://ontology. buffalo.edu/06/Lowe/Lowe.pdfF IUT More on Kinds of Being : a Study of Individuation, Identity and the Logic of Sortal Terms @yxfordD fl—™kwell €u˜lishingD PHHW—AF –yntologi™—l hependen™e9D Stanford Encyclopedia of PhilosophyD @PHHW˜AD …‚vX http://plato.stanford.edu/F Why There Might Really Be No Relations ‚ésumé de l— ™onféren™e The Metaphysics of Relations @…niversité de eix en €roven™eD PHHW™AD …‚vX http

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J. Piaget, D Le structuralisme D ue s—isEje c @€—risD €F…FpD IWTVAF PlatonD Apologie de Socrate ; Criton ; PhédonD tr—duit p—r É. Chambry @€—risD q—rnierEpl—mm—rionD ‘IWTV“AF Timée

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W. V. Quine, D. H. Et-harré, and R. , Form a Logical Point of View @g—m˜ridgeD weFD r—rdv—rd …niversity €ressD IWTIAF Redhead, M.D –e €hilosopher vooks —t u—ntum pield „heory9D ™h—pF I in Brown

B. Russell, The Principles of Mathematics @g—m˜ridgeD g—m˜ridge …niversity €ressD IWHQAF Mysticism and Logic @vondresD vongm—ns qreenD IWIVAF L'analyse de la matièreD tr—duit p—r P. Devaux @€—risD €—yotD IWPUD IWTSAF An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth @vondresD qeorge ellen —nd …nwinD IWRHAF My Philosophical Development @vondresD qeore ellen —nd …nwinD IWSWAF Schneider, D –„he vogi™ of the yntologi™—l ƒqu—re9D Studia LogicaD n¦WI @PHHWAD pF PS!QIF

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