$. , !. , and !. W>-!, ! h2! l54;gP;<8! 3;M?8<:! =985?8?B=;6! <8;89<:! MBAU! s4?@38:! ;=A! ;7;A4>?7! C45PB5>;=74!?=!73?6A54=!, =A

B. !. and !. W>-!, C4A?;85?7!=985?8?B=;6!5?<g!<7B54!8B!?A4=8?PU!73?6A54=!;8! 5?<g!BP!>;6=985?8?

F. , /. , !. #++-*-!-#&-!-j&k, !. &%+-&%-(-!-!-"-#f-!-!-w11^0-g-!-ta, and !. G. 3b<c, 6A54=! s?83! >?6A! 76?=?7;6! 7B=A?8?B=<!,!G985?8?, ;=A<!,!W573!.?<!23?6AF!#+"+!*&!j#k

". Nf2w, !. , W. , and !. &%&-&%-'!-!, B=!85?74=85?E94!A4!6yD8

". Nnn and !. Ww, ! ?>C;78! BP! >;6=985?8?B=d! ;! >BA46! <U<84>! PB5! 3B<C?8;6?u4A! C;8?4=8<!,!wY-G!w!Y;54=845!-=845

F. , !. <9ccb58-!-=95<4-!-wy-g-!-w, and !. , 034! >4A?7;6! ;=A! P?=;=7?;6! 7B<8<! ;<<B7?;84A! s?83! 845>?=;8?B=! BP! ;! =985?8?, ! ,! -, ^Y-G!wF!!#+"$!)!j#k!')-(#!!

F. Gb, !. 4. , !. Wy-g-!-w, and !. , 7! b;6=985?8?B=d! W! Y;5;A?@>! ^3?P8! 0Bs

. ". #+, 4A?;85?7!6;5@4!<7;64!3B<C?8;6!>;6=985?8?B=!<7544=?=@!?=!a5;=74!,!26?

#. , /. ^0-/-!-bw, !. Y. , and !. >b58, 8U! 5?<g:! ;48?B6B@U! ;=A! K;6?A?8U! BP! xq1! 76?=?7;6! <?@=<d! ;! <U<84>

!. ##f-!-!-b-z1aa and . =985, 8?B=;6!<7544=!?=!73?6A54=!s?83!54<C?5;8B5U!<U=7U8?;6! K?59<!;A>?884A!8B!;=!?=84=<?K4!7, 7<!"**'!*(!j%k!&%$-&%'!!

#. Wl-nn, !. , and !. =985, 8?B=!76?=?E94!A4!6H4=P;=8F!-A?8?B=!#++):!^aG-Y:!G985?7?

$. +f-!-!-bw_0 and /. =985, 8?B==46<! 7B=<4?66D<! CB95! 6;! CBC96;8?B=! P5;=i;?<4:! DA?8?

$. #f, B=!4=8D5;64!<95!@;<85B<8B>?4 d!?=A?7;8?B=<!48!>D83BA4<!,!W573!! Y4A?

$. , F. , !. , and !. G985, 8?B=! 26?=?E94! A4! 6H4=P;=8F! -A?8?B=! #++):! ^aG-Y:! G985?7?

$. %f and !. _. , 54=845;6!=985?8?B=!?=!?=P;=8<:!73?6A54=! ;=A!;AB64<74=8<!,!26?=!G985F!#++&!#%!j'k!

$. , F. , !. , and !. 2b>c6, B=<! 3DC;8?E94<! A4! 6;! =985?8?B=! ;58?P?7?

$. G985, 8?B=! 26?=?E94! A4! 6H4=P;=8! -A?8?B=! #++):! ^aG-Y:! G985?7?

%. >c, BP! C5485;=<C6;=8! @5Bs83! 548;5A;8?B=! ?=! C4A?

%. , !. ^w-!-h5bs83, and !. C4a, ! C;8?4=8<! s?83! M?6?;5U! ;854<?;! PB66Bs?=@! 6?K?=@! AB=B5! 6?K45! 85;=<C6;=8;8?B=d! P

%. (. and !. G985, ^1G!/!G985?8?B=;6!<8;89<!BP!;=!;A968!7U<8?7!P?M5B<?<!CBC96

%. ). , !. , and !. <8, 89<!?=!73?6A54=!s?83!7U<8?7!P?M5B<?<!M;<4A!B=!834!G;8?B=;6!2U<8?7! a?M5B<?<! Y;8?4=8! _4@?<85U! A;8;d! 4K, 85F!"**)!"$#!j$!Y8!"k!%()-%)&!!

%. G985, 8?B=!?=!;A968<!s?83!7U<8?7!P?M5B<?<!,!26?=!G985

&. , /. , and !. !. =985, 8?B=! PB5! C4A?;85?7! C;8?4=8<! s?83! 7U<8?7! P?M5B<?<F!w!Y4A?

&. Gh^, !. , !. , and M. <u<84>, 74! 547B>>4=A;8?B=<! PB5! =985?8?B=,546;84A! >;=;@4>4=8! BP! 73?6A54=! ;=A! ;A968<! s?83! 7U<8?7! P?M5B<?<! ;=A! C, ?7!54K?4s!,!w!W>!.?48!W<<B7F!#++)!"+)!j&k!)$#- )$*!

&. and !. G985, 8?B=;6! 7B=<?A45;8?B=<! ?=! C;8?4=8<! s?83! 7U<8?7! P?M5B<?<F! -cC458! _4K! _4<C?5!b4AF!#+

&. and /. G. =p, =8<! s?83! 7U<8?7! P?M5B<?<d! ;! <9>>

&. , !. W<c3uc, and !. $. , 64! 48! ?=P?5>?8D! >B85?74! AHB5?@?=4! 7D5DM5B=<!>DA?7B,6D@;64<!48!C5DK4=8?B=kF!hU=47B6!1M<848!a458?6!#+, 4KF!#++*!$"!j(k!&$(-&%%!!

/. %f-!-!-^fnn, Wb-:! h5;=8! q:! w9<u7u;g! -:! q4=5U! w:! 48! ;6F! h, 6A! G495B6F!!#++'!%)!j""k!)((-))#!!

!. &f-!-!-b1t, 5@4!=985?8?B==4664!<CD7?P?E94< d!6H4=P, MB6F!#++&!"*!j%k!#%%-#%'!!

F. , !. ^n-/-hq, !. , and !. 7454m5, C;6<Ud! ;! <U<84>, ?7! 54K?4s! ,! W573! .?<! 23?6AF!#++%!)*!j'k!&$%-&$*!!

!. , !. , and !. Y4a, x3;8!A4845>?=4<!=985?8?B=;6!547BK45U!?=!>;6=B95?<34A!73?6A54=! ;P845!7B55478?B=!BP!7B=@4=?8;6!34, 7<!#++*!"#%!j#k!#*%-#**!

. '. J#kd, 6=985?8?B=! ?=! UB9=@! 73?6A54=! 3B<C?8;6?u4A! s?

B. !. , !. , and !. W. J&, 5A?BC;83?4<!48!85B9M64<!=985?8?, ?B=! #++'!##!j(,)k!'*(-(+%!!

!. %f-!-!-l-gz-2_n and !. =845a, <7?C6?=;5U! ;CC5B;73! ?>C5BK4<! =985?8?B=;6! <8;89<! BP! 73?6A54=! s?83!34;58!A?<4, <4<F!G985?8?B=!#++)!#%!j

/. &f-!-!-bw_0, D=985?8?B=!4=!7;=7D5B6B@?4!CDA?;85?E94!d!C5DK;64=74!48!ADC?<8;@4F!W573! Y4A?, 85F!#++#!%%!j"k!$&-$*!!

!. (. #%-'-#&#-!-!, 7;=745F!2955!1C?=!26?=! G985!b48

F. , /. Nn-!-w, !. , and !. , 6! 734>B8345;CU! ?<! 834! C5?=7?C;6! 5?<g! P;78B5! PB5! ?>>9=B@6BM96?

!. #f-!-!-0ww and !. =985, 8?B=;6! <8;89<! B=! 834! ?=7?A4=74! BP! ?=P478?B=! ?=! 73?6A3BBA! 7;=745F!Y4A?;85!q4>, 8B6!1=7B6F!"**$!"+!j$k!#)$-#)(!!

F. !-!-bf__n, !. , and !. >c, BP!=985?8?B=!B=!C3;5>;7Bg?=48?7<!BP!;=8?,=4BC6;<8?7!

!. %f-!-!-mwg-!-n^, 6=985?8?B=! ?=! 73?6A54=! s?83! 7;=745d! ?=7?A4=74! ;=A! 7B=<4E94=74F! 2

). G985, 8?B=;6!C;5;>4845<!?=!73?6A54=!s?83!7;=745F!w!W>!.?48!W<<B7F!"*)$!)#! j'k!

F. Mn and !. G985, 8?B=;6! ;=A! 854;8>4=8,546;84A! 73;5;7845?<8?7<! BP! C4A?

F. and /. Nn, Wb^! 0q! f=9<9;6! >;=?P4<8;8?B=<! BP! =495BM6;<8B>;d! 735B=?7! A?

F. =985, 8?B=;6! <8;89<! BP! 834! C4A?

*. #f-!-!-wrf, /. G1-!-mb, and !. , =985?8?B=;6! <9CCB58! MU! @;<85B<8B>U! 89M4! ?=! 73?6A54=! s?83! 7;=745F!w!Y4A?

*. , !. , and !. Bp-!-5, A?B6B@?7;66U! C6;74A! @;<85B<8B>U! 89M4<! ?=! C;4A?

*. %f-!-!-l1xbwg and !. N. ^45k, 8?B=;6! <9CCB58d! 4cC45?4=74! BP! 834! b48;MB6?7!