Master Thesis Year : 2014

Security analysis of Android applications


The now ubiquitous Android platform lacks security features that are considered to be necessary given how easily an application can be uploaded on markets by third-party developers and distributed to a large set of devices. Fortunately, static analysis can help developers, markets and users improve the quality and security of applications at a reasonable cost by being automated. While most existing analyses target specific security properties, we take a step back to build better foundations for the analysis of Android applications. We describe a model and give semantics for a significant part of the system by studying what obstacles existing analyses have faced. We then adapt a classical analysis, known as points-to analysis, to applications. This leads us to design and implement a new form of context-sensitivity for Android, paving the way for further experimentation and more specific security analyses.
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dumas-01088788 , version 1 (04-01-2015)



  • HAL Id : dumas-01088788 , version 1


Bertrand Bonnefoy-Claudet. Security analysis of Android applications. Formal Languages and Automata Theory [cs.FL]. 2014. ⟨dumas-01088788⟩
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