A. Mai and J. , Juillet Nombre'de'pas Mon'Activité Bilan'Semaine Autres'info.'appli

A. Mai and J. , Juillet Nombre'de'pas Mon'Activité Bilan'Semaine Autres'info.'appli

. Cette, 12" semaines" de" coaching" personnalisé Trois" utilisatrices" de" l'application" ont" été" suivies" pendant" 6" semaines Elles" ont" répondu" à" des" questionnaires," participé" à" des" entretiens" et" fourni" leur" nombre" de" pas" quotidienLes"résultats"ont"mis"en"avant" un" partage" cognitif" restreint," une" absence" d'activité" collective," ainsi" qu'une" sous!utilisation" de" l'application Ces" constats" nous" ont" amené" à" questionner" le" pourquoi" d'une" absence" de"partage"cognitif,"la"place"de"ce"défi"au" sein" d'entreprises," ainsi" que" les" aménagement"technique"de"l'application" à"opérer"pour"son"amélioration Mots&clés&:"" coordination" interpersonnelle" ?" sédentarité"?"outils"technologiques This" study" aims" to" describe" the" evolution" of" interpersonal" dynamics" between" the" participants" in" the" challenge" against" sedentary" lifestyle" entitled" «"Pas" Sport" Santé"»" (step& sport& health)" and," in" return," to" "help" with" the" developing" of" a" more" efficient" app.! The" app Bouge " (move) " " offers" a" goal" achievement"program"to"its"user"during" the" 12" weeks" of" personal" coaching.! Three" app" users" have" been" monitored" for" 6" weeks.! They" filled" out" questionnaires," took" part" in" interviews" and" provided" their" daily" walking" steps.! The" results" pointed" out" a" limited" cognitive" share, along" with" the" technical" adjustments" of" the" app" that" are" required" for" its" improvement.! "! Keywords:"" interpersonal" coordination" !" sedentary" lifestyle"!"IT"tools