D. Chini, Linguistique et didactique : où en est-on ? Quelle place pour une approche conceptualisante de la construction de la langue dans la perspective actionnelle, La revue RDLC, vol.6, issue.n°2, pp.129-153, 2009.

R. Ellis, La correction linguistique dans le Cadre européen commun : quelle conception, quels critères, Task-based Language Learning and Teaching, vol.XXVI, pp.62-80, 2003.

D. Willis and J. Willis, Doing Task-based Teaching, Ouvrage institutionnel, 2007.

, Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues, 2001.

. Enseigner and . Évaluer, Paris : Didier. [Texte également disponible sur le site du Conseil de l'Europe

, Moment de focalisation sur la forme 1, Annexe, vol.11

, I have been succeeded by my brother" "this decision has been made less difficult to me") Can you find them in the text and highlight them? (Les élèves cherchent et surlignent les deux passages) P: What do you notice?, Tous les élèves intérrogés sont volontaires P: Now, have a look at these extracts

, HAVE been +") Now what else do you notice? E2. E2: There is the verb, P: Alright, very good

, Is the verb just like that? Do you have "succeed" and "make" after have been? E2: No, it's succeeded and made. P: Good. So what is it? How do we call these forms?

P. Now, The mouse has been eaten by the cat") Now see you have "has been" and then what? E3. E3: eaten P: Alright, so is it the preterit? E3: No, it isn't. P: So, what is it?

, E1) P : Oh I can see some of you don't agree. So, what do you think? E6. E6: Euh, I don't agree, I think it's not "have", it's "be". It's the present perfect. P: Alright! So it's the verb "Be" conjugated in the present perfect. Is that it? Class : Yes. P: Very good! Do you understand E1? Do you remember the present perfect? E1: Yes, yes it's okay. P: Perfect! Now let's go back to our sentences. Now what if I write, What verb is it? E1. E1 : It's "have". (bruits et chuchotements dans la salle

, Moment de focalisation sur la forme 2, Annexe, vol.12

, Le travail de repérage de la voix passive dans le texte avait été donné à faire à la maison. Voici la question à laquelle les élèves devaient répondre : Find all the occurrences of the passive voice in the text and explain why it was used

, Euh line 6. P: Very good, that's one. (Écrit la phrase au tableau) What else? E2. E2: "we are called", line 6. P: Good, can you go on a little bit? E2: Euh yes, vol.1

, But is it really that we don't know? E2. E2: We know that it is the Germans but he don't say it clearly. P: Be careful, he? (Fait le signe 3 avec ses doigts) E2: he doesn't. P: Good. Can you repeat your sentence because that's interesting? E2: Euh yes. We know that is it the Germans but he doesn't say it clearly. P: Okay, that's very interesting. Why doesn't he say it clearly? (4") E5. E5: Maybe because it is not important. P: Can you be more precise; can you explain what you mean. E5: I mean, he wants to talk to his euh euh his people? P: Yes his people very good, go on. E5: He wants to talk to his people and not the Germans. P: Alright, good. Can you try to explain even more, everybody? (5") P: Yes E3 go on. E3: He wants to euh euh he wants that the people are with him. The enemy is not important. P: Okay be careful

P. Perfect, He wants the people to be with him. The enemy is not important, alright. So

, P: Right, so what is important is the role of the British people in the war. So, what does he do when he uses the passive voice? E7. E7: He euh how do you say "insister"? P: You can say insist on but remember we learnt a synonym the other day. E7: Ah yes euh? c'était focus non? P: Yes, but be careful, no French. So, go on, you can use insists on or focuses on. E7: Sorry, he focus..es on the role of the British people in the war but not on the enemy. P: Alright, excellent! Now remind me

, Il se lève et va montrer les différents éléments au tableau). So "have been" is "Be" in present perfect and, P: Right, very good. So, here, can you tell us how it works, can you come to the board and show us? E8: Euh yes

, Be" plus past participle. Thank you very much E8. (E8 retourne à sa place) P: So now, we are going to write the answer to your question, P: Excellent! That's right! So be careful

G. Here and . Vi, We" to include himself in the people. Moreover, he wants to focus/insist on the role of the British in the war. He doesn't want to mention the enemy, the Germans, clearly because it is not what is important. What is important is the British people and their future, Germany ?????????, 1939.

, P: Yes, good. Is it the only difference? E1: No. There is 1939. P: Where is it, with the "was" or "have been, French! It's not the same, what is different? E4: Ba in the first there is "was" and in the second there is "have been

, Et present perfect? E3: Ba là c'est fini aussi. E4: Oui mais c'est plus par rapport au présent. Comme c'est present perfect. E1: Ah mais si! Tu sais c'est genre une action passée mais qui a des consequences sur le present. Non C'est pas ça, Ah ouais je crois que tu as raison. Attends. Miss! P: Yes, vol.2

, Yesterday, I give a message from the king. E4: Déjà yesterday c'est une date alors c'est preterit. E3: Ouais. Active ou passive alors? E2: Ba c'est qui qui donne? E1: Ba moi. E2: Donc c'est active. E1: Ouais. Alors ça fait "I gave a message from the King, P: Now for the last exercise, see, you have to choose between active and passive and preterit and present perfect. E2: Ah yes oulala. P: Come on you can do it! E2: Yes. E3: (Lit)

, Hilter was told". C'est ça? E4: Oui je pense. Et après c'est voix passive aussi? E1: Oui c'est ce que j'étais en train de voir. C'est pas les troupes qui envoient c'est les gens qui envoient les troupes. E4: Yes! Alors "troops" ah mais y'a "would", on le met où? E3: Ba ça fait comme avec "Can" l'autre fois non? C'était "Can be" alors là on met? "Would be". E4: Ah oui c'est vrai! Donc "would be s?" Send sent sent, Oula. E1: Bon déjà y'a une date donc ça va être prétérit encore. E2: Yes. E3: Actif ou passif? E4: C'est

. Consequently, E3: Actif ou passif alors? C'est qui qui a reçu? E4: Ba c'est "we", c'est nous. Donc c'est actif. E3: Okay alors present perfect actif. E2: We have? We don't? We don't have? E3: Non c'est bizarre. Ba We have not receive? E4: Il faut mettre participe passé. Mais receive c'est régulier alors c'est quoi? E1: Ba-ed. E4: Sûre? E1: Yes! E4: Bon alors "we have not received". E1: Yes! P: Time's up! Go back to your seats, Là y a consequently alors c'est present perfect non? E1: Ah oui, à chaque fois elle me met que avec since y'a du present perfect, vol.1