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U. Carling, Transarterial Chemoembolization of Liver Metastases from Uveal Melanoma Using Irinotecan-Loaded Beads: Treatment Response and Complications

, Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol, vol.38, pp.1532-1541, 2015.

G. Fiorentini, Intra-arterial hepatic chemoembolization (TACE) of liver metastases from ocular melanoma with slow-release irinotecan-eluting beads. Early results of a phase II clinical study, Vivo Athens Greece, vol.23, pp.131-137, 2009.

T. Sato, Locoregional management of hepatic metastasis from primary uveal melanoma, Semin. Oncol, vol.37, pp.127-138, 2010.

T. J. Vogl, Percutaneous Isolated Hepatic Perfusion as a Treatment for Isolated Hepatic Metastases of Uveal Melanoma: Patient Outcome and Safety in a Multi-centre Study, Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol, vol.40, pp.864-872, 2017.

D. Eschelman, C. Gonsalves, and T. Sato, Transhepatic Therapies for Metastatic Uveal Melanoma, Semin. Interv. Radiol, vol.30, pp.39-048, 2013.

E. A. Eisenhauer, New response evaluation criteria in solid tumours: Revised RECIST guideline (version 1.1), Eur. J. Cancer, vol.45, pp.228-247, 2009.

L. Fournier, S. Ammari, R. Thiam, and C. Cuénod, Imaging criteria for assessing tumour response: RECIST, mRECIST, Cheson. Diagn. Interv. Imaging, vol.95, pp.689-703, 2014.

R. Lencioni and J. Llovet, Modified RECIST (mRECIST) Assessment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Semin. Liver Dis, vol.30, pp.52-060, 2010.

J. Bruix, Clinical management of hepatocellular carcinoma. Conclusions of the Barcelona-2000 EASL conference. European Association for the Study of the Liver, J. Hepatol, vol.35, pp.421-430, 2001.

P. E. Huppert, Transarterial chemoembolization of liver metastases in patients with uveal melanoma, Eur. J. Radiol, vol.74, pp.38-44, 2010.

S. Valpione, A retrospective analysis of 141 patients with liver metastases from uveal melanoma: a two-cohort study comparing transarterial chemoembolization with CPT-11 charged microbeads and historical treatments, Melanoma Res, vol.25, pp.164-168, 2015.

G. Edelhauser, Fotemustine chemoembolization of hepatic metastases from uveal melanoma: a retrospective single-center analysis, AJR Am. J. Roentgenol, vol.199, pp.1387-1392, 2012.

T. Vogl, Preliminary experience with transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) in liver metastases of uveal malignant melanoma: local tumor control and survival, J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol, vol.133, pp.177-184, 2007.

Y. Shibayama, Efficacy and toxicity of transarterial chemoembolization therapy using cisplatin and gelatin sponge in patients with liver metastases from uveal melanoma in an Asian population, Int. J. Clin. Oncol, vol.22, pp.577-584, 2017.

M. E. Valsecchi, Double-blinded, randomized phase II study using embolization with or without granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in uveal melanoma with hepatic metastases, J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol. JVIR, vol.26, pp.523-532, 2015.
DOI : 10.1016/j.jvir.2014.11.037

URL : http://europepmc.org/articles/pmc4417549?pdf=render

T. Heusner, Transarterial hepatic chemoperfusion of uveal melanoma metastases: survival and response to treatment, ROFO. Fortschr. Geb. Rontgenstr. Nuklearmed, vol.183, pp.1151-1160, 2011.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0031-1281743

I. Ben-shabat, Long-Term Follow-Up Evaluation of 68 Patients with Uveal Melanoma Liver Metastases Treated with Isolated Hepatic Perfusion, Ann. Surg. Oncol, vol.23, pp.1327-1334, 2016.
DOI : 10.1245/s10434-015-4982-5

R. Olofsson, Isolated Hepatic Perfusion for Ocular Melanoma Metastasis: Registry Data Suggests a Survival Benefit, Ann. Surg. Oncol, vol.21, pp.466-472, 2014.
DOI : 10.1245/s10434-013-3304-z

B. Van-etten, J. H. De-wilt, F. Brunstein, A. M. Eggermont, and C. Verhoef, Isolated hypoxic hepatic perfusion with melphalan in patients with irresectable ocular melanoma metastases, Eur. J. Surg. Oncol. EJSO, vol.35, pp.539-545, 2009.

M. S. Hughes, Results of a Randomized Controlled Multicenter Phase III Trial of Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion Compared with Best Available Care for Patients with Melanoma Liver Metastases, Ann. Surg. Oncol, vol.23, pp.1309-1319, 2016.

D. S. Gombos, K. R. Van-quill, M. Uusitalo, and J. M. O'brien, Geographic disparities in diagnostic screening for metastatic uveal melanoma, Ophthalmology, vol.111, pp.2254-2258, 2004.

K. Patel, Chemoembolization of the hepatic artery with BCNU for metastatic uveal melanoma: results of a phase II study, Melanoma Res, vol.15, pp.297-304, 2005.

R. Schuster, Transarterial chemoembolization of liver metastases from uveal REFERENCES

T. Sato, Locoregional management of hepatic metastasis from primary uveal melanoma, Semin. Oncol, vol.37, pp.127-138, 2010.

T. J. Vogl, Percutaneous Isolated Hepatic Perfusion as a Treatment for Isolated Hepatic Metastases of Uveal Melanoma: Patient Outcome and Safety in a Multi-centre Study, Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol, 2017.

V. Servois, Preoperative staging of liver metastases from uveal melanoma by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET), Eur. J. Surg. Oncol. EJSO, vol.36, pp.189-194, 2010.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00557766

G. Fiorentini, Intra-arterial hepatic chemoembolization (TACE) of liver metastases from ocular melanoma with slow-release irinotecan-eluting beads. Early results of a phase II clinical study, Vivo Athens Greece, vol.23, pp.131-137, 2009.

U. Carling, Transarterial Chemoembolization of Liver Metastases from Uveal Melanoma Using Irinotecan-Loaded Beads: Treatment Response and Complications

, Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol, vol.38, pp.1532-1541, 2015.

D. Eschelman, C. Gonsalves, and T. Sato, Transhepatic Therapies for Metastatic Uveal Melanoma, Semin. Interv. Radiol, vol.30, pp.39-048, 2013.

E. A. Eisenhauer, New response evaluation criteria in solid tumours: Revised RECIST guideline (version 1.1), Eur. J. Cancer, vol.45, pp.228-247, 2009.

R. Lencioni and J. Llovet, Modified RECIST (mRECIST) Assessment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Semin. Liver Dis, vol.30, pp.52-060, 2010.

J. Bruix, Clinical management of hepatocellular carcinoma. Conclusions of the Barcelona-2000 EASL conference. European Association for the Study of the Liver, J. Hepatol, vol.35, pp.421-430, 2001.

P. E. Huppert, Transarterial chemoembolization of liver metastases in patients with uveal melanoma, Eur. J. Radiol, vol.74, pp.38-44, 2010.

S. Valpione, A retrospective analysis of 141 patients with liver metastases from uveal melanoma: a two-cohort study comparing transarterial chemoembolization with CPT-11 charged microbeads and historical treatments, Melanoma Res, vol.25, pp.164-168, 2015.

G. Edelhauser, Fotemustine chemoembolization of hepatic metastases from uveal melanoma: a retrospective single-center analysis, AJR Am. J. Roentgenol, vol.199, pp.1387-1392, 2012.

T. Vogl, Preliminary experience with transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) in liver metastases of uveal malignant melanoma: local tumor control and survival, J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol, vol.133, pp.177-184, 2007.

Y. Shibayama, Efficacy and toxicity of transarterial chemoembolization therapy using cisplatin and gelatin sponge in patients with liver metastases from uveal melanoma in an Asian population, Int. J. Clin. Oncol, vol.22, pp.577-584, 2017.

M. E. Valsecchi, Double-blinded, randomized phase II study using embolization with or without granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in uveal melanoma with hepatic metastases, J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol. JVIR, vol.26, pp.523-532, 2015.

T. Heusner, Transarterial hepatic chemoperfusion of uveal melanoma metastases: survival and response to treatment, ROFO. Fortschr. Geb. Rontgenstr. Nuklearmed, vol.183, pp.1151-1160, 2011.

I. Ben-shabat, Long-Term Follow-Up Evaluation of 68 Patients with Uveal Melanoma Liver Metastases Treated with Isolated Hepatic Perfusion, Ann. Surg. Oncol, vol.23, pp.1327-1334, 2016.

R. Olofsson, Isolated Hepatic Perfusion for Ocular Melanoma Metastasis: Registry Data Suggests a Survival Benefit, Ann. Surg. Oncol, vol.21, pp.466-472, 2014.

B. Van-etten, J. H. De-wilt, F. Brunstein, A. M. Eggermont, and C. Verhoef, Isolated hypoxic hepatic perfusion with melphalan in patients with irresectable ocular melanoma metastases, Eur. J. Surg. Oncol. EJSO, vol.35, pp.539-545, 2009.

M. S. Hughes, Results of a Randomized Controlled Multicenter Phase III Trial of Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion Compared with Best Available Care for Patients with Melanoma Liver Metastases, Ann. Surg. Oncol, vol.23, pp.1309-1319, 2016.

D. S. Gombos, K. R. Van-quill, M. Uusitalo, and J. M. O'brien, Geographic disparities in diagnostic screening for metastatic uveal melanoma, Ophthalmology, vol.111, pp.2254-2258, 2004.

K. Patel, Chemoembolization of the hepatic artery with BCNU for metastatic uveal melanoma: results of a phase II study, Melanoma Res, vol.15, pp.297-304, 2005.

R. Schuster, Transarterial chemoembolization of liver metastases from uveal melanoma after failure of systemic therapy: toxicity and outcome, Melanoma Res, vol.1, 2010.

. Serment-d'hippocrate,

, Au moment d'être admis à exercer la médecine, je promets et je jure d'être fidèle aux lois de l'honneur et de la probité

, Mon premier souci sera de rétablir, de préserver ou de promouvoir la santé dans tous ses éléments, physiques et mentaux

, Je respecterai toutes les personnes, leur autonomie et leur volonté?,volonté?, sans aucune discrimination selon leur état ou leurs convictions. J'interviendrai pour les protéger si elles sont affaiblies, vulnérables ou menacées dans leur intégrité ou leur dignité. Même sous la contrainte

, Je ne tromperai jamais leur confiance et n'exploiterai pas le pouvoir hérité?deshérité?des circonstances pour forcer les consciences

, Je donnerai mes soins à l'indigent et à quiconque me les demandera. Je ne me laisserai pas influencer par la soif du gain ou la recherche de la gloire

, Admis dans l'intimité des personnes, je tairai les secrets qui me seront confiés. Reçu à l'intérieur des maisons, je respecterai les secrets des foyers et ma conduite ne servira pas à corrompre les moeurs

, Je ferai tout pour soulager les souffrances. Je ne prolongerai pas abusivement les agonies. Je ne provoquerai jamais la mort délibérément

, Je n'entreprendrai rien qui dépasse mes compétences. Je les entretiendrai et les perfectionnerai pour assurer au mieux les services qui me seront demandés

, J'apporterai mon aide à mes confrères ainsi qu'à leurs familles dans l'adversité

, Que les hommes et mes confrères m'accordent leur estime si je suis fidèle à mes promesses ; que je sois déshonoré et méprisé si j'y manque