J. Ape, ) did not prove more successful, 2013.

, As for "jenny howlet", a few relevant results appeared, but they often mentioned "jenny howlet" as one of the old names no longer used to refer to the animal species currently named "barn owl"; interestingly enough, some other old names mentioned were "gillihowlet" or "gill howter

, Ferret 12 www.angoraferret.co.uk/faq/faq.html Website about ferrets

, Ferret 23 www.reptileforums.co.uk ? ... ? Other Pets and Exotics Forum, Other Pets and Exotics Forum

, Webpage about brown hares

. Google, ) is relevant, which suggests that this expression is not used, contrary to "puppy shark", mentioned in the dictionary definition. In fact, although "pup" is the shortened form of "puppy", the two are not exact synonyms: while "puppy" can be used for species of sharks in general, None of the first thirty results of "pup shark, 2013.

, Kit" / "kitten" a. Definition OED 2013, entry "kit" OED 2013, entry "kitten" Grand Robert 2013, entry "chat, it gives no relevant result (in the first thirty results, 2013.

, kitten" and "chaton" 1 www.pras-uk.co.uk/guidefirstsnake.htm "A guide for looking after your first hatchling snake" Snake 3 www.annestokes.com/fantasy/hatchling.htm Fantasy art gallery

, Website on tortoises

, Website on tortoises

, Snake 11 www.independent.co.uk/.../rare-reptile-hatchling-found-in-new-zealand-1648848.html Article from the Independent, Rare reptile hatchling found in New Zealand" Reptile 12

, hatchling snake" Snake 15 www.wildworldreptileshop.co.uk/small-hatchling-tub/ Reptile shop. "tubs for hatchling", "we keep our hatchling colubrids in shop

. Website-on-tortoises, Tortoise 20 www.zoochat.com/.../hatchling-dwarf-croc-exhibit-crocodiles-world-258069/ Forum. Crocodile 21 komodoproducts.com/products/basic-hatchling-kit?id=18 Reptile shop, if you have bought or been given a hatchling

. Book, Adventures of the Littlest Hatchling" Turtle 30 www.thetortoiseshed.com/index.php/care.../hatchling-housing Website on tortoises

, Fallow-deer Other deer (but not all): deer (but not all): Sika deer Other quadrupeds

, Ass Other animals, in reference to their use for breeding

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