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, The goal of this study is to assess without any « à priori » representations of recovery and psychosocial rehabilitation among professionnals from psychiatric field. Methods : Professionnals and residents have been recruited to answer semi-directed interviews about psychosocial rehabilitation and recovery, from january to april 2018 in several french regions. Two political figures from the mental health world have been solicited to give their point of view about the development of these practices. Iramuteq software has been used to analyse text corpora with a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach. Results : Sixty professionnals answers and 192 residents answers have been collected. Professionnals know specific rehabilitation departments and few tools but have not integrated recovery posture and practices. Residents use these practices when they have knowledge of a specific department in their hospital. Discussion : Recovery oriented practices need the creation of a catchment integrative rehabilitation department linked to a national network with specific assignments : assessment, care, training, diffusion and applied research, Recovery and psychosocial rehabilitation: representations of the psychiatric field Introduction : Recovery concept towards psychosocial rehabilitation, is an important field in mental health politics in France and in other countries