, Significant Correction of PD anomaly of PMT. Swallowing onset delay may be corrected by activation facilitation exercices 2 Argolo, 2013.

. Ott-&-ptt and . Improved, improvement on loss of bolus control, piecemeal swallow, residue (tongue, valleculae pyriform sinuses). SWAL QOL modified significantly (fear, symptoms frequency, difficulty of moving food in the mouth. Lingual pumping and dental absence seems to severely intefere with CDT

, improved swallowing (rate of piecemeal deglutition, laryngeal excursion amplitude) and coordination with respiration (high rate of protective respiratory phase patterns 5 south 2010 2010 improved swallowing frequency (x4) : mean carroyer 5.317 min. Decreased swallowing latency(/ 6) with 50% carroyer at 5 mn. ( cost-effective and selfmanaged approach for saliva regulation, Luchesi 2014 2014 stabilisation fonction survival at 10Mo, deterioration therafter: improvement 44%, deterioration 17 % 4 Wang, 2018.

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, In Met(+), this pre-SA inspiratory phase significantly increased to 24% for PD (p=0.005) and 30% for controls (p=0.016) compared with Met(-). The post-SA inspiratory phase was 40% for PD and 30% for controls in Met

, Coordination of respiratory-swallowing is reportedly related to the swallowing movements, and the significant increase in the pre-SA inspiratory phase in both PD and controls in Met(+) suggested the possibility that rhythmic stimulation from a metronome contributes to regulation of respiratory-swallowing coordination

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, More specifically, our research group analyzed acquired swallow function data in this same participant pool following the 4 weeks of the EMST program. The results showed a significant improvement in swallow function. the significant reduction in the primary outcome variable of Penetration-Aspiration (P-A) score. EMST group maintained the duration of hyoid ele-vation over time, and the sham group experi-enced a decreased duration, vol.36, 2016.

, Association of postural techniques and EMST is more effective than EMST only. EMST only is significantly beneficial, but less so than EMST +postures 38 Kuo, 2017.

, Significant Dose effect of EMST on MEP. Only EMST 5 d/wk shows significant improvement of MEP more important than GC. 3d/w still as significant effect on MEP 39 Reyes, 2018.

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, Cough peak expiratory airflow rate (PEFR) and cough expired volume (CEV) significantly improved with cueing for induced reflex and voluntary cough especially in a VAF + auditory cueing task in skill training. 41 Ayres 2016 2016 improvement in swallowing-related quality of life on symptoms frequency

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