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«. Tronstad, Root resorption : etiology, terminology and clinical manifestations

. Heithersay, Management of tooth resorption

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M. Wang, Osteoclasts and odontoclasts : signaling pathways to development and disease : osteoclasts and odontoclasts

S. Boyle and . Lacey, Osteoclast differentiation and activation

. Heithersay, Invasive cervical resorption following trauma

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«. Tronstad, Root resorption : etiology, terminology and clinical manifestations

«. Heithersay, Invasive cervical resorption : an analysis of potential predisposing factors

. Mavridou, « Descriptive analysis of factors associated with external cervical resorption

. Heithersay, Invasive cervical resorption following trauma

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