*. and ?. J>=jj, , vol.8

O. ,

%. *!f;, /. !$>'-/!%f<'-;)f!+,*!:*/!'-%*/!<&-;-&+, and *. /!$>$&*-,

. >$)&$f:*!-/*,

. *!->$)&$f&:&;f!-&,

&. and *. ,

. *)<*/!%*!c,

&. ,

!. &f&:&;f!$,!/;)*//!'g?%$-,

%. *e!.*/!c, C)&f;f/!-Q'

). !c$/!*-.')*!f;f!f;,%&f*/!b!.*!t',

!. -*!.'<c$)$&/'-!$>*.!%q$,

$. and G. !-q$!%'-.!f;f!c'//&f,

*. !c$/!;'g&+,

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*. <f,

*. &c$, ! )f

. !-%*!-.*,

. *!-f;,%*!-*/,

!. , *. !-:*/!-'-%*/!-<&-;-&+, and *. ,

. !%*![!f.b$-;&,

*. ,

/. !0c1e!c\e!c7!c',)!:*!f$/$,

&. and &. ,

. !$>*.!1!<3!vu)a79@!_*, The Netherlands Journal of Medicine, vol.48, issue.5, pp.A79-A79, 1996.

. *!*gcf)&*-.*!$?$-, Table S5: Significantly differentially expressed genes (GCF and WCF)

!. and C. ,

$. and :. ,

E. , %. , and ). ,

. !)*c)'%,&)*!.*,

. *!'f/*)>$,

&. ,

!. , F. :&.$;&'-@!o*!c:, and /. ,

$. , =. , and /. !-*!/$>'-/!c$/!*-,

!. and /. !%*!c*),

*. ,

*. ,

. !/&!:qf+ and . &c*!,

*. !. !'f/*)>f!+ and . */![!f.b$-;&,

$. ,

!. and -. ,

-. !-,.:f$&)*!%qnh3!-;-/!%q and G. Gc'/&;&'-!$, Innovation in GC/MS, GC/MS, pp.145-149

/. ,

. /@!-h)'&/!-b?c',

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*. , &. , and -. %&<&-,

&. %q and . -!($.;*,

*. , 21512, 1853-08-08

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E. and &. ,

*. and G. !)fc$)$,

. &'-/!%*/!%'<<$=*/e!-*!/*)$&;!c,

%. , !. , and !. ,

. !%*/!1-;-!b@!_*c*-%$-,

E. !. ,

*. *!)fc'-/*!f&cb$/&+ and . !c';*-,

. &*::*!%*!:q$.;&>$;&'-!,

. !c$)!.*/!'-%*/!-q$!c$/!f;f!)*;)',>f*!$,!:$f')$;'&)*!, Table S5: Significantly differentially expressed genes (GCF and WCF)

*. &+,

*. ,

$. ;. &>*-,

!. %q$,;)*/!->'&*/!-%*!-)fc$)$,

&. ,

*. ,

. !-c$/!-t-;-*!-f, $

*. , &. , and ). ,

!. , ). !. '-/f+, and *. -. *!%*!-*!c,

. &'-!%*!.*!($.;*,)@!-d$!%&<&-,

&. , !. <f)*!%*!('.&!cnh3!$c)i/!, and -. Gc'/&;&'-!*;!,-!;)$&,

. *<*-;!b!1!<3!%*!,

&. and ). !:$!.'"=f-';'g&.&;f!c';*-;&*,

$. Pf, G. , G. !<*-f/!t, /. Qb, and !. C)f/*-,

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). $%*e!\2129!0g$--&-'!!"#$%*e!\22l9@!d$!:&;;f)$;,

&. ,

!. , -. , and ;. ,

C. &f:*!-$cc*:f!-)fc'-/*!-$%$c;$,

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*. ,

*. !b!-;-*//!.$,/f!c$)!,-!$=*-;!=f-';'g&+ and . &e!&:!$!f;f!<'-;)f!+,*!%*/!,

*. , &. , and !. ,

. */!-%*!-/',)&/!-f,

$. ,

!. $c$f,

*. , G. !-*-;-*;/!-=f-';'g&+, and *. /!-%*/!-)$?'--*<*-,

/. ,

G. /e!-$c)i/!-$>'&)!-f;f!-c)f"*gc'/f/!-$ and . %&, ! )*.)

*. ,

!. %qnh3!-%$-/!-:*!--'?$ and !. ,

C. and ). ,

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*. -. &>*!-%*/!-)$%&-;-f+ and . */@!_*/!<f.$-&/<*/!$?$-;!f;f!;)i/!c*,!f;,%&f/e!%*/!f;,%*/!.'<c,

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. &'-!-%fc*-%$-,

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/. !-$>*.!-:*/!-)f and :. ;$;/!-'f,

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. &-'.?;*/!'?!&:!$>$&;!f;f!<'-;)f!+,q*-!.'-%&,

&. ,

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. !!"#$%*e!\21\9@!d$!cb'/cb')?:$;&'-!%*/!c)';f&-*/! and . &f,

!. ,

!. Cb'/cb',

*. , &. !:$&//*!/, and *. Cc'/*)!+,

!. $. &>f*/@!]#__1e!+,&!c)f/*-, Figure 2: (A) orthopteran GP/1E 7105. (B) hemipteran GP/1E 8440. (C) blattodea GP/1E 9137. (D) specimen GP/1E 6820, cuticle of an undetermined insect.

*. and /. ,

!. %&,

. &*:e!-*/,

!. &<c:&+,f*!-%$-/!, $! )fC$)$

. &'-!-%*!-%'<<$=*/!-'g?%$,

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. !. !-%'-,

*. ;. &>$,

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. /!%*!:qnope!.'<<*!.*:$!$>$&;!%ftb!f-;-$%@e!\2129@!m:!-*/,

!. &<c',

$. ,

!. !-%*!-)*:*>*)!-:*!-($&f:*!--&>*$ and . Cb,

!. , *. !. */!'-%*/!-q&-%, and &. ,

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$. &lt;&lt;*-,

-. &. !-$-$:?/f*!c$)!&amp;&lt;&lt;, ). B&amp;&lt;&amp;*!*;!:*, and . Gc)*//&amp;&apos;-!;&apos;;$:*!/*)$!f&gt;$:,f*!c$)!w*/, Innovation in GC/MS, GC/MS, pp.145-149

*. ,

. @!_*/!-f,

. !&lt;*-f*/!/,

*. ,

/. , /. , ). , &. , and G. !f.b$-;&amp;,

. &amp;&gt;*e!-:q*-/*&lt;f:*!-%*!-.*!-;)$&gt;$&amp;,

&. and $. ,

!. and G. !-c&apos;;*-;&amp;*,

G. !. !-&gt;$!-c*)&lt;*;;)*!-%*!-&lt;&amp;* and . &lt;c)*-%)*!, Table S5: Significantly differentially expressed genes (GCF and WCF)

. *!*, U3_!6!U&':'=&*!3':f.,:$&)

. !_*,

, !)f(f)*

, !~!R)f%f)&.!d*.*)(! N

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!. *-$-.*!~!\21l,

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*. &amp;+,

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;. *!$-=:$&amp;/!~!g and %. ?!&apos;(!,

. B*!*:*.;)&apos;&lt;$=-*,

&. !b?c*)/*-/&amp;;&amp;&gt;&amp;;?!~!=*-&apos;;&apos;g&amp;.!*,

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*. &amp;+ and . !-0c4g9!-*/,

!. , *. , -. , and T. ,

;. !-%*!-;-&gt;*)/*@!-_*;;*!-c$;b&apos;-;-&amp;/*!-c$)!-,-!-$ and . %&amp;$=,

&. !-%*/!-c$,

&. ,

/. , &. &amp;f, *. , ). &lt;c;m&lt;*/!$, G. Gc&apos;/&amp;;&amp;&apos;-/!$ et al., Innovation in GC/MS, GC/MS, pp.145-149

). &lt;$&amp;/e!b!.*!t&apos;,

. !*-;)*!:*/!*gc&apos;/&amp;;&amp;&apos;-/!*, Innovation in GC/MS, GC/MS, pp.145-149

!. */!/?&lt;c;m&lt;*/!-q$!f;f!%f&lt;,

. !%*!.*!/,

. $=*!*/,

!. %f,

!. , -. !/;)*//!=f-&apos;;&apos;g&amp;+, and *. ,

!. , <C$)*)!.*

). *!)fc&apos;-/*!-/,

!. */!%*!c*$, <<*).&$:! 04ORN9!*

. !%*/!f.b$-;&amp;,

. !$&gt;*.!&apos;,!/$-/!f)&apos;&lt;$,

. *!%*!c,

$. , &. , and -. ,

. !&apos;g?%$-,

!. , @. !d*!/;)*//!=f-&apos;;&apos;g&amp;+, *. !*/;!-f;,%&amp;f, and !. &gt;&amp;$!:q$.;&amp;&gt;$;&amp;&apos;-!%,!/?/;i&lt;*!%*!)fc$)$,

. &amp;&apos;-!%fc*-%$-,

. !%*!:$!c)&apos;;f&amp;-*!nh3!c$)!-&amp;&lt;&lt;-;-*/.*-.*!-*, First Characterization of the Ammine-Ammonium Complex [{NH4(NH3)4}2(mu-NH3)2]2+ in the Crystal Structure of [NH4(NH3]4][[B((C6H5)4].NH3 and the [NH4(NH3)4]+-complex in [NH4(NH3)4][Ca(NH3)7]As3S6.2NH3 and [NH4(NH3)4][Ba(NH3)7]As3S6.NH3

!. #h&quot;+`_#!*,

!. ,

*. ,

@. , /. !$&gt;&apos;-/!&apos;f/*)&gt;f!+, and *. ;. &amp;&gt;$,

&. %qnh3!f,

$. ,

). !. !$:;f)f*!c&apos;,

$. ,

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&. ,

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&. ,

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. B&amp;/!-&amp;,

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!. Z2!845 and !. D&amp;,

B. D&amp;,

. !c&apos;,

$. and &. !f)&apos;&lt;$,

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. @!8*-&apos;;&apos;g&amp;-;-!/; and . %&amp;*%!,

. B)&apos; and . =b!,

. B*!$.;&amp;&gt;$,

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*. ,

. !)*c$&amp;)!/?/,

*. &amp;&lt;&lt;-;-*/.*-.*!$-%!f?!#h&quot;+`_#!$-%!w*/,

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!. $. &amp;&gt;$,

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*. -. Zbn&apos;[;:&lt;jc&apos;#$%&amp;-;-*+ and . &amp;*/!?!&lt;&amp;,

. *)!d$&gt;*/!?!/i&amp;-!(&amp;f,

. /!?!=*-&apos;;&apos;g&amp;.&amp;;?!?!)*c$&amp;)!/?/,

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