In September 2022, the Comité français d'histoire de la géologie (Cofrhigéo) organized the 47th symposium of the International Committee on the History of Geological sciences (Inhigeo) at Les Eyzies de Tayac in southwest France.

The organizing committee (Françoise Dreyer, Gaston Godard and Pascal Richet, together with Claudine Cohen) offered to publish the Proceedings. These comprise 21 papers on a variety of subjects, presented in September 2022, plus 15 abstracts submitted by other authors.

The collection reveals the wide variety of topics covered, which is a feature of Inhigeo symposia and a vivid illustration of the vitality of the History of Geology.

En septembre 2022, le Comité français d’histoire de la géologie (Cofrhigéo) organisait le 47e symposium de l’International Committee on the History of Geological sciences (Inhigeo) aux Eyzies de Tayac dans le sud- ouest de la France.

Le comité d’organisation (Françoise Dreyer, Gaston Godard et Pascal Richet associés à Claudine Cohen) a proposé aux orateurs la publication des Actes. Ceux-ci rassemblent 21 communications écrites sur des sujets variés et présentées en septembre 2022 ainsi que 15 résumés soumis par d'autres auteurs.

L’ensemble révèle la grande variété des thèmes abordés, ce qui est d'ailleurs une caractéristique des symposiums Inhigeo et constitue une illustration vivante de la vitalité de l'Histoire de la géologie.


47th INHIGEO Symposium, 15th-24th September 2022, Les Eyzies, France

Proceedings edited by Gaston Godard, Philippe Grandchamp and Pascal Richet

The Proceedings volume can be downloaded from =>
Le volume des Actes peut être téléchargé sur =>




Pascal RICHET, Preface of the Proceedings of the 47th Inhigeo Symposium 




Claudine COHEN, Prehistoric archaeology and geology, a historical perspective  

Romain PIGEAUD, Palaeolithic uses of natural reliefs and geological formations in South Western French cave art: a few examples  

Timothé LHOSTE, The “making of” La Denise fossil man (French Massif Central). The history of a persistent scientific forgery  

Silvia F. DE M. FIGUEIROA, Prehistory and archaeology in 19th century France on the pages of L’Écho du Monde Savant  

Renee M. CLARY, Prejudice on parade: Charles R. Knight’s paintings and contemporary doramas of early hominins  

Martina KÖLBL-EBERT, Prehistoric archaeology in nazi Germany – the role of Quaternary geologists  

Gaston GODARD, From Louis XIII (1620) to the Inhigeo Symposium (2022): Four centuries of Miocene palaeontology and stratigraphy at Sainte-Croix-du-Mont (Aquitaine, France)  

Michiko YAJIMA, Chibanian, Middle Pleistocene  

Violeta PUKELYTĖ & Valentinas BALTRŪNAS, The significant objects of the Quaternary formations studied by A. K. Giedraitis (1848–1909) and their changes over time  

Eugenija RUDNICKAITĖ, Investigations of the lithuanian quaternary deposits of duke Antanas Giedraitis in 1878-1895 and his approach to the theories of continental glaciation and polyglacialism  

Patricia BOBECK, Abbé Paramelle: early excursions and observations in the department of Lot 1818-1827  

Wolf MAYER, First geological investigations in Australia and Antarctica by French scientists, naturalists and surgeon on voyages of discovery, between 1792 and 1840  

Leonid R. KOLBANTSEV, Irena G. MALAKHOVA, Serge V. NAUGOLNYKH, Scientific relations of Alexander P. Karpinsky (1847-1936) with France  

Khallaf EL GHALBI, Characteristics of earthquakes in the Mediterranean Sea and their effects, in Arab-Islamic heritage  

Paolo SAMMURI & Paolo MACINI, The renaissance of minerals, mining and metallurgy in Tuscany: from Biringuccio’s Pirotechnia (1540) to Cosimo I de’ Medici  

John A. DIEMER, Murchison’s assessment of the Donetz coal basin  

Yaroslav ZECHNER & Margret HAMILTON, Correspondence between Eduard Suess and Vladimir A. Obruchev: with emphasis on “The Face of the Earth”  

Margret HAMILTON, Eduard Suess’ concept of eustatic sea level movements during his research in the Moldanubicum in Lower Austria: the cross-section Eggenburg-Horn  

Jacques TOURET & Olav Albert CHRISTOPHERSEN, Victor M. Goldschmidt, Vladimir I. Vernadsky and the birth of geochemistry  

Cyril DEICHA & Igor DEICHA, History of geology in Liechtenstein  

Bernard GUY, From deep time to physics: the contribution of geology to the interpretation of some fundamental concepts  




Joanne BOURGEOIS, A 1958 snapshot of oceanography: the 83rd CNRS international colloquium   

Pedro Wagner GONÇALVES, Heitor ASSIS Junior, Marcelo Luis DE BRINO, The history of the Brazilian geological map and iron mining in Minas Gerais State: the contribution of John Casper Branner   

Ernst HAMM, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg on geological fantasies   

Salomon KROONENBERG, Friedrich Voltz (1828–1855), discoverer of the Guiana Shield greenstone belt  

Marie LO CASCIO, Yves GILLY, Geological nature reserve of Saucats-La Brède: 40 years of protection and preservation of the Aquitanian and Burdigalian (Lower Miocene) stratotypes  

Marie LO CASCIO, Yves GILLY, Historical stratotypes, Global boundary stratotype sections and points (GSSP) and nature reserves   

Maria Margaret LOPES, Readings from Brazil on Peter Wilhelm Lund’s bone caves in Minas Gerais  

Sharad MASTER, French involvement in the geological studies of Southern Africa from the 17th to 19th centuries   

Johannes MATTES, Reasoning about the Earth's underground: visual evidence, imagination, and authenticity in the travel accounts of the naturalist Joseph A. Nagel (1748/49)   

Maddalena NAPOLITANI, Painting the mountains between art and Earth sciences during the second half of the 19th century: some French case studies   

Marco PANTALONI, Fabiana CONSOLE, Karl Mayer-Eymar and the history of messinian stage   

Claudia PRINCIPE, Anarita PAOLILLO, Sonia LA FELICE, Simone ARRIGHI, Forma Vesuvii   

Steve ROWLAND, The puzzling archaeology of Gypsum Cave, Nevada (U.S.A.) and the question of When Humans First Arrived in North America   

James A. SECORD, Writing humans out of the landscape: antiquarians and geologists on the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy   

Philippe TAQUET, Les affinités électives de Georges Cuvier   

Susan TURNER, La chasse aux ossements fossiles: French women in vertebrate palaeontology   



47th INHIGEO Symposium, 15th-24th September 2022, Les Eyzies, France

Enregistement des communications


INHIGEO 2022 – All communications (17-21/09/2022)


INHIGEO 2022 - History of Neogene geology (21/09/2022)


INHIGEO 2022 - Prehistory & Geology (17/09/2022)


INHIGEO 2022 - History of geology: Varia (20 & 21/09/2022)

INHIGEO 2022 - French case studies in the history of geology (18/09/2022)


INHIGEO 2022 - History of geology: Concepts - (18/09/2022)