A critical analysis of the proposed East African cooperation taking into consideration the 1994 Arusha agreement - DUMAS - Dépôt Universitaire de Mémoires Après Soutenance
Mémoires Année : 1997

A critical analysis of the proposed East African cooperation taking into consideration the 1994 Arusha agreement


This research revolves around the East African Cooperation focusing on various aspects which will be further discussed. The first chapter is an introduction to regional integration on a global basis, narrowing down to regional integration in Africa and finally East Africa itself. The importance of cooperation is stressed especially in this era of global regionalism and in order to enhance and smoothen out such operations, clear laws are needed. The second chapter is rather historical, focusing on the East African Community, which was the most reknowned, and vibrant cooperation in East Africa before its collapse. Several of its institutions still survive today and the proposed East African Cooperation's aim is to try and enhance their roles. The East African Community Treaty of 1967 is looked at in depth with the aim of pointing out its weaknesses and where the community went wrong. Furthermore, after the collapse a Mediation Agreement was later concluded in 1984, in order to divide the Community's assets. The third chapter is based on the recently established East African Cooperation and looks at its aims, accomplishments so far and its relation with other cooperation arrangements such as SADC and COMESA. It has been stated that the current East African Cooperation is 'old wine in a new bottle' and it will be discussed whether the cooperation is worth reviving taking into account matters such as sovereignty, economic imbalances in trade and other related issues. In so doing, the Cooperation's future prospects will be considered. The fourth chapter will be based on a proposed legal framework. The cooperation todate does not have a Treaty and any attempts to cooperate are based on agreements. This research will propose ideas that should be considered by the three member states when enacting a treaty, taking into account the current situation and past mistakes in order to prevent another collapse. The fifth chapter concludes the research and states the best type of cooperation that the East African states should center on.
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dumas-01267444 , version 1 (04-02-2016)


  • HAL Id : dumas-01267444 , version 1


Lilian Kokuhabukirwa Rugeiyamu. A critical analysis of the proposed East African cooperation taking into consideration the 1994 Arusha agreement. Economics and Finance. 1997. ⟨dumas-01267444⟩
121 Consultations
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