Master Thesis Year : 2012

Adapting to urban displacement : the use of cash transfers in uraban areas


Growing numbers of displaced populations are settling in cities, and this global process will continue in the next decades following the urbanization trend. Motivations for settling in urban areas are numerous including greater economic resources and livelihood opportunities, better access to basic services as well as the anonymity that cities provide. Despite the high concentration of humanitarian organizations in camps, only a few are dedicated to refugee protection in urban settings. Displaced populations in urban areas do not receive the same level of attention or assistance as their camp counterparts, even though the phenomenon of urban displacement is starting to receive greater consideration. Research still needs to be undertaken about how to design effective programmes to better meet the specific needs of urban displaced populations. In a period of strong reconsideration of traditional camp-based responses to the problem of mass displacement as well as the systematic provision of in-kind assistance, the aim of this dissertation is to study the provision of cash-based assistance for vulnerable populations as an appropriate tool to support people meet their basic needs (food, shelter and basic items) in urban areas. Pilot projects, evaluations and reports have demonstrated that cash is an appropriate tool for humanitarian interventions, and is flexible and appropriate to use in urban areas due to the presence of functioning markets and financial infrastructures. But questions remain on how aid agencies can best use them and when.
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dumas-00808208 , version 1 (05-04-2013)


  • HAL Id : dumas-00808208 , version 1


Aurélie Biron. Adapting to urban displacement : the use of cash transfers in uraban areas. Political science. 2012. ⟨dumas-00808208⟩
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