Master Thesis Year : 2013

Global Illumination and Image Appearance


In Computer Graphics, light plays an important role in the appearance of a scene. Choosing a different light configuration can lead to many different aesthetics for the final image. Lighting design is even more complex when using sophisticated global illumination rendering methods. In this report, we present a new approach to automatically design a lighting configuration according to the lighting goal specified by the user. The lighting goal is expressed as a set of target parameters. These target parameters are used to set up an objective function such that, when the function is minimized, the aesthetics of the image rendered using these optimal light parameters meet the requirements set by the user. Our results show that this method can be used to automatically design a lighting configuration that will give to the final image a classic photographic aesthetics, such as high-key or low-key aesthetics.
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dumas-00854976 , version 1 (28-08-2013)


  • HAL Id : dumas-00854976 , version 1


Vincent Léon. Global Illumination and Image Appearance. Graphics [cs.GR]. 2013. ⟨dumas-00854976⟩
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