Master Thesis Year : 2013

Représentation de l'adolescent dans trois films américains indépendants : Lords of Dogtown, Donnie Darko et Elephant


This work deals with the representation of teenagers in three American independent films from the years 2000s. It is first of all possible to see the way they interact with the represented authority and the conflicts this interaction creates as a result. We will then study their relations with the diegetic universe pre-existing cultural products, as well as the references included in the films. We will see how it shapes the vision of the teenagers. Besides, we have to consider the fact that the three films are from the same period, but they take place in three different decades. We will see in a third part the relation between the diegetic period and the production period. This will bring us to think about a society's vision of its own youths, past and present. Finally, we will be interested in the independent film, its visible characteristics, and the way it influences the teenagers' image.
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dumas-00927618 , version 1 (13-01-2014)


  • HAL Id : dumas-00927618 , version 1


Charlotte Roseau. Représentation de l'adolescent dans trois films américains indépendants : Lords of Dogtown, Donnie Darko et Elephant. Littératures. 2013. ⟨dumas-00927618⟩


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