Master Thesis Year : 2016

The influence of French upon the Anglo-Irish accent


The Anglo-Irish language is a generic term to deal with the English as spoken in the four provinces of Ireland (Connacht, Munster, Leinster, Ulster). We may also come across other designations to talk about this language, such as Hiberno-English, Irish-English…. Today, this language is mainly influenced by three tongues which are the English language, the Scottish dialect and the original Irish language. Anglo-Irish evolved all along disruptions and regional changes, Ireland being filled with a multicultural and linguistic mixture from the invasions of Celts (5th century), Scandinavians (8th - 11th centuries), Normans (12th century), and English (13th century). The first form of English language ( Yola ) was only spoken in Dublin (in the Pale quarter) until the 16th century. The massive arrival and colonization of British settlers during the Tudor and Stuart dynasties in the 16th and 17th centuries reasserted the English language, especially in Ulster plantation (where Scottish dialects and the English tongue were spoken, which gave birth to the Planter English ). The original Irish language slowly disappeared, but was recognized as a symbol of national identity to the EIRE, according to the fourth article of the constitution: ''The national language [...] is the Irish language; but the English language shall be recognized as an official language''. For this first year of research, I decided to focus my studies on the Anglo-Irish accent as spoken by both native Irish speakers who have lived in France for decades and French speakers who have spent some times in Ireland and whose English is fluent. I have been interested both in Ireland and in sounds for a long time, and being able to work on phonetic accents was for me an opportunity to try a first approach on the Anglo-Irish accent, which I hope will trigger further researches in this domain. Through this project of research, we will try to figure out what the influence of French is upon an Irish accent. After stating the Anglo-Irish accent as established by investigations run by searchers, we will present our own analyses based on the recordings of several speakers.


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dumas-02147935 , version 1 (05-06-2019)


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Airelle Theveniaut. The influence of French upon the Anglo-Irish accent. Linguistics. 2016. ⟨dumas-02147935⟩
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